The wonderful part about the telecommunications industrry is that there’s no shortage of creativity in the marketplace. We no longer live in a world that is neatly divided into two halves, Local Exchange and Long Distance services. Today, we have the 64 flavors of Baskin Robbins ice cream and each flavor can be mixed with another to create an endless array of sundaes!
Yet there’s a dark side to the technological innovation, particularly when it is happening within or around the edges of a historically heavily regulated industry.
On the surface, regulations may appear rigid and unyielding. Often times, they are. On the other hand, and particularly when applied to rapidly evolving technologies amid shifting consumer demands, regulations can be “gray” and open to interpretation. They are not one “size fits all” — indeed, the unique facts about a particular service offering can lead to very distinct outcomes under the same regulatory definition. Understanding the issues, options and risks are critical to making the most appropriate decisions for your company.
To learn more, download the presentation delivered by Jonathan Marashlian, Marashlian & Donahue, PLLC’s Managing Partner, at ITEXPO East earlier this month: