ALERT: South Carolina Orders Contributors to Refrain from Billing and Remitting USF for December 2017


Recently, the South Carolina Public Service Commission (“SCPSC”) provided notice to all contributors to the South Carolina Universal Service Fund (“SC USF”) related to the recommendation of the Office of Regulatory Staff (“ORS”) to suspend invoicing providers for SC USF payments during the month of December 2017.  In its notice, the SCPSC directed all contributors to provide ORS with a statement indicating how they will handle this adjustment with respect to their customers.

In light of this notice, we recommend that all contributors to the SC USF take the following actions:

  1. Notify their billing department or third party billing system/tax calculation provider to refrain from assessing SC USF on customers during December 2017 (or solicit confirmation that 3rd party vendors have implemented procedures to avoid billing SC USF pass-through);
  2. Provide a written to ORS indicating that such action has been taken; and
  3. Refrain from remitting SC USF payments for the month of December 2017.

If you have questions regarding the SC PSC’s notice or require assistance confirming compliance, please contact our firm.

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