Check out our new Website!


Helein & Marashlian, LLC, The CommLaw Group is proud to announce the unveiling of its new website:

We invite our clients and friends to explore our new website at your convenience.  In particular, we invite you to look through the firm‘s wide variety of Practice Areas on the Practices page.  We‘re trying to get the word out that we‘re more than just your regulatory law firm!!

In addition, check out our News and Resources pages where you‘ll find Client Advisories and information about Guides, Manuals and other helpful resources.  Our new website contains a wealth of knowledge we look forward to sharing with you.

Important Information:  You are receiving this announcement as a subscriber to the firm‘s “newsletter” service.  Through this automated newsletter service our firm provides Client Advisories, Client Alerts and Regulatory Notices.  Client Advisories include summaries of current legal developments affecting your business and cover issues such as regulatory, corporate and taxation.  We encourage all clients to spread the word within your organization about this valuable service.  And please feel free to direct your colleagues and associates to the newsletter sign-up screen to ensure all appropriate individuals within your organization are receiving Advisories and Alerts on a timely basis.  For the best viewing experience and to take advantage of HTML capabilities, please set your mail client to view HTML rather than plain text. Finally, be sure to add the domain name: to your junk mail “safe list” to ensure receipt.

If you have any questions, please call us at (703) 714-1300 or email Jonathan Marashlian at

ATTORNEY ADVERTISING DISCLAIMER: This information may be considered advertising in some jurisdictions under the applicable law and ethical rules. The determination of the need for legal services and the choice of a lawyer are extremely important decisions and should not be based solely upon advertisements or self-proclaimed expertise. No representation is made that the quality of the legal services to be performed is greater than the quality of legal services performed by other lawyers

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